Paulatuk Community Corporation


Paulatuk is a hamlet located in the Inuvik Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. It is adjacent to Darnley Bay, in the Amundsen Gulf. The town was named for the coal that was found in the area in the 1920s, and the Siglitun spelling is Paulatuuq "place of coal". It is part of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Paulatuk was incorporated as a hamlet in 1987 and celebrated the 50th anniversary of its settlement in 2015. In 2017, the Government of the Northwest Territories reported that the population was 312.

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Paulatuk is a hamlet located in the Inuvik Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. It is adjacent to Darnley Bay, in the Amundsen Gulf.

Province : Northwest Territories



Lawrence Ruben

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