Behdzi Ahda First Nation
- Behdzi Ahda First Nation Band , Colville Lake , NT , X0E 1L0
- P.O. Box 53 , Colville Lake , NT , X0E 0L0
- 867.709.2200
- 867.709.2202
- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/SearchFN.aspx?lang=eng
- https://geo.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/cippn-fnpim/index-eng.html
- https://behdziahda.com
- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/FNMain.aspx?BAND_NUMBER=771&lang=eng
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behdzi_Ahda%27_First_Nation?wprov=srpw1_0
- https://www.maca.gov.nt.ca/en/content/colville-lake
- https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Canada_First_Nations
- https://kids.kiddle.co/Indigenous_peoples_in_Canada
The Behdzi Ahda' First Nation is a Dene First Nations band in the Northwest Territories. The band's main community is Colville Lake. The First Nation is a member of the Sahtu Dene Council. Under the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, the band shares title to 41,437 square kilometers of land in the Sahtu Region. As of May 2021, Behdzi Ahda' First Nation has a total of 259 registered members, including 210 living on their own crown land.
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Additional Info
The Behdzi Ahda' First Nation is a Dene First Nations band in the Northwest Territories, whose main community is Colville Lake.
Province : Northwest Territories

Wilbert Kochon
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