Edzeno Native Village Council
- PO Box 9105 , Nikolai , AK , 99691
- Nikolai , AK , 99691
- 907-293-2311
- 907-293-24-2481
- https://www.facebook.com/NikolaiVillageCouncil/
- http://www.ncai.org/tribal-directory?utf8=%E2%9C%93&keyword=edzeno&submit=Search
- https://www.aaanativearts.com/alaskan-natives/alaska_tribal_councils.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interior_Alaska
- www.familysearch.org
- https://kids.kiddle.co/Alaska_Native
Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC): Allakaket Village, Alatna Village, Village of Anaktuvuk Pass, Chalkyitsik Village, Village of Dot Lake, Native Village of Eagle, Evansville Village (also known as Bettles Field), Galena Village (also known as Louden Village), Healy Lake Village, Hughes Village, Huslia Village, Village of Kaltag, Koyukuk Native Village, Manley Hot Springs Village, Native Village of Minto, Nenana Native Association, Nikolai Village (Edzeno’ Native Council), Northway Village, Nulato Village, Rampart Village, Native Village of Ruby, Native Village of Stevens, Native Village of Tanacross, Telida Village, Native Village of Tetlin.
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Additional Info
USGS Region : Alaska