Odanak First Nation
- 104 Rue Sibosis , Odanak , QC , J0G 1H0
- 450.568.2810
- 1.888.568.2810
- 450.568.3553
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- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/SearchFN.aspx?lang=eng
- https://geo.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/cippn-fnpim/index-eng.html
- https://caodanak.com/en/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCzgXTceX2U
- http://www.native-languages.org/definitions/odanak.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odanak
- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/FNMain.aspx?BAND_NUMBER=72&lang=eng
Odanak First Nation is a band in Quebec, Canada. It's located near the mouth of the Saint-François River at its confluence with the St. Lawrence River. It is partly within the limits of Pierreville and across the river from Saint-François-du-Lac. The people's native language is Abenaki. Odanak is an Abenaki word meaning "in the village." As of November 2021, the Nation has 2,771 registered members, including 288 residing on their own reserve.
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Additional Info
Odanak First Nation is a band in Quebec, Canada. The people's native language is Abenaki. Odanak is an Abenaki word meaning "in the village."
Province : Quebec

Richard O'Bomsawin
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