Schaghticoke Tribal Nation (Northeast)
- 101 Elizabeth St., 2nd Floor , Derby , CT , 06418
- 203.459.2531
- 203.736.0875
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- http://schaghticoke.com/
- https://www.onlytribal.com/schaghticoke-tribe.asp
- https://www.revolvy.com/page/Schaghticoke-people
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schaghticoke_people
- https://www.bia.gov/regional-offices/eastern
- https://schaghticoke.com/media/
- www.familysearch.org
The Schaghticoke are a Native American tribe of the Eastern Woodlands who historically consisted of Mahican, Potatuck, Weantinock, Tunxis, Podunk, and their descendants, peoples indigenous to what is now New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
Their reservation, granted in 1736 by the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, is one of the oldest in the United States. After sales by state agents, today the Schaghticoke hold less than a fifth of the original reserve, and have a 400 acres reservation.[ It is located near the New York border within the boundaries of Kent in Litchfield County, to the west of the Housatonic River.
In 1986, the tribe split. One group maintained the name Schaghticoke Indian Tribe, and the other identifies as the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation. The Schaghticoke people have a long history of political relationships with both the former Colony of Connecticut and the State. Most of the members live off the reservation in and near Kent. In 2004, the STN was the fourth tribe in Connecticut to gain federal recognition. But in 2005, after strong opposition from the state and several local governments as well as one landowner, several Schaghticoke individuals and the SIT, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) reversed its decision, revoking recognition.
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USGS Region : Northeast