Southern Baptist Churches: Antioch, Baker's Chapel, Bayside, Bear Swamp, Benson Chapel, Berea, Bethany Christian, Bethel Hill, Beulah, Burnt Swamp, Calvary W ay, Cape Fear, Cedar Grove, Cherokee Chapel, Deep Branch, Dogwood, Dundarrach, Elizabeth Heights, Elrod, Faith Baptist, Faith Community, Faith of Calvary, Freedom, Friendship, Galilee, Gospel Tabernacle, Grace, Gray Pond, Harpers Ferry, Island Grove, Leitch Creek, Lighthouse, Living Water, Morning Star, Mount Airy, Mount Bethel, Mount Elim, Mount Moriah, Mount Olive, New Beggining, New Bethel, New Hope, New Point, Oak Grove, Pee Dee Chapel, Philadelphia, Piney Grove, Pleasant, View, Reedy Branch, Rock of Ages, St. James, Sandhill Community, Shady Grove, Smyrna, South Broadway, South Hoke, Tabernacle, Ten Mile Center, Thompson, Turnpike, Union Baptist, Union Chapel, Union Light, Vertical University, Vision of Hope, Vision of Hope, Walnut Grove, West End, West End, West Saddletree, Willard's Chapel, Zion Hill LIFTING UP JESUS https://www.burntswamp.org/churches
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Primarily native but growing in diversity.