Fond du Lac Denesuline Nation
- Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation Band Office , Fond Du Lac , SK , S0J 0W0
- P.O. Box 211 , Fond Du Lac , SK , S0J 0W0
- 306.686.2102
- 306.686.2040
- Send Email
Fond du Lac Dene Nation is a Dene First Nation located in the boreal forest area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Fond du Lac is a geographic name meaning "far end of the lake" in the French language. The main settlement is Fond-du-Lac, situated on the east side of Lake Athabasca. It is a remote fly-in community. The band has six territories around the eastern area of Lake Athabasca. Many of the residents are descendants of Maurice's Band who signed an adhesion to Treaty 8 in 1899.
The population in 2011 was 874, mainly of Dene and Métis descent. 705 residents selected Dene as their mother tongue in 2011. In September 2013, Fond du Lac had a total registered membership of 1,895 with 1,066 members residing on-reserve and 829 members residing at locations off-reserve.
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Fond du Lac Dene Nation is a Dene First Nation located in the boreal forest area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. 705 residents selected Dene as their mother tongue in 2011.
Province : Saskatchewan
Louie Mercredi