Wahpeton Dakota Nation
- Wahpeton Dakota Nation , Prince Albert , SK , S6V 5R4
- P.O. Box 128 , Prince Albert , SK , S6V 5R4
- 306.764.6649
- 306.764.6637
- http://www.wahpetondakotadev.com/
- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/FNMain.aspx?BAND_NUMBER=358&lang=eng
- https://labrc.com/first-nation/wahpeton-dakota/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahpeton_Dakota_Nation
- https://geo.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/cippn-fnpim/index-eng.html
- https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/FNP/Main/Search/SearchFN.aspx?lang=eng
- https://kids.kiddle.co/Indigenous_peoples_in_Canada
- https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Canada_First_Nations
Wahpeton Dakota Nation is a Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. The band has two reserves; Wahpaton 94A (1,482 Ha big) and Wahpaton 94B (65 Ha big). The Wahpeton Dakota Reserves lie approximately 50 km northwest of Prince Albert. The band has 561 members, with around 270 living on the reserves.
Video Media
Additional Info
Wahpeton Dakota Nation is a Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. The band has two reserves; Wahpaton 94A and Wahpaton 94B.
Province : Saskatchewan

John Waditaka
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